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2Ressource > darwin's voyage of the beagle

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Darwinen Teoria. Teoría de Darwin (Naturgaia)

Ikasmateriala, DBHko ikasleei zuzendua. Animazioak ikusi eta jarduerak eginez, Darwinek Espezieen Jatorria liburuan argitara emandako teoria nola mamitu zen ezagutaraztea du helburu. Material did&aacu ...

Darwin's Voyage of the Beagl? At grade

Describes Darwin's observations on the Galápagos Islands that led to his theory of evolution.

It is an educational content of CK-12 Foundation (to access some of the CK-12 contents you must be logged i ...

Ikasmateriala, DBHko ikasleei zuzendua. Animazioak ikusi eta jarduerak eginez, Darwinek Espezieen Jatorria liburuan argitara emandako teoria nola mamitu zen ezagutaraztea du helburu. Material did&aacu ...

Describes Darwin's observations on the Galápagos Islands that led to his theory of evolution.

It is an educational content of CK-12 Foundation (to access some of the CK-12 contents you must be logged i ...

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